A new obsession

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Ok, so for a couple years I’ve bought some scrapbook stuff here and there thinking that someday I might actually be creative enough to use it. But that’s not gonna happen so instead I’ve gotten hooked on the whole digital scrapbook thing. Since all the pictures are digital anyway, why bother getting them printed out to cut up and glue onto paper when you can use a photo program to layer all the things, then print the whole thing. I can see a new obsession starting here. Here is one of my pages so far using a template from http://www.freedigitalscrapbooking.com/digital_scrapbooking_howto.html

and papers from

How cool is that? Now I just need to get caught u p with the daughter’s newborn pics before the new baby comes.

Mixed Signals

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Allison loves to wear the witch hat I made to go on my fabric jack-o-lanterns. This time she was wearing it with her ballerina tutu. A witch, or a good girl… hmmm

We also went to the pumpkin patch last week. We played with some toys and went on the little tractor/train. We had a lot of fun, but it was really dry and windy.

Little Ballerina

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So, we dug out one of the tutus I made and Allison had a blast dancing around in it. I also pulled out the cute leotard I bought a couple months ago for her to wear. She’s a girl after my own heart. I had to go out and buy her her first pair of ballet shoes to go with the outfits. I can’t wait until she’s old enough to take her first real ballet class.

4th of July

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We went to Grass Valley for the 4th of July. It was a lot of fun. Silly girl loved the parade, especially the fire trucks and the candy being passed out. She scored a lot of freebies… 3 flags to wave and most important to her, a tootsie pop. She didn’t make it to the fireworks, though; she slept through the whole show.

The next night was our ten year high school reunion. It was interesting to go. Not many people came but I at least knew a table-full. That’s all the mattered to me 🙂

New purse and t-shirts

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Here is a purse I just finished. I saw this pattern in a book at JoAnn and just had to buy it. I’ve also been working on some t-shirts and onesies for the web store. Mainly police badges and patriotic stuff. They’re not listed yet but they will be soon. Also coming soon, crayon rolls and firefighter badge t-shirts.

New Piano

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Our neighbors are moving to the Bay Area so they offered us the long-term use of their piano. At least until they move back here- 4-5 years from now. Of course, Chris jumped at the chance to have a real piano. It needs to be tuned and a few keys fixed, so we’ll have to see how expensive it will be to have the work done. The child loves playing it. So hopefully she will keep that love until the time comes for her to start lessons. At least one person in the house needs to know how to play.

Crazy Girl

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Speaking of lil’ Chickadee, I just love this picture. It makes me smile every time I see it.
I’ve been adding links to places on the web that I visit and also to the sites that dh and I have been working on. Specifically, my online store to sell my baby items at www.ohbabyredding.com and dh’s www.ldsofficer.com. Also, if anyone needs a website designed, ckeck out www.csredding.com. Ok, I think I’m done with the shameless publicity, for now.

New Blog

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Ok here goes. I don’t know if anyone even cares to read about me and my life but I’m going to do it anyways. I just don’t feel like I have anything to throw out there into the already crowded WWW. But, I’m always stealing ideas off other people’s blogs so I thought I’d return the favor and try to post some of my crafty ideas. And, try to keep family up-to-date on our little Chickadee’s doings. So anyway…